Dienstag, 16. Oktober 2007

On a Tuesday afternoon.

It is Siesta time... Karl Oskar and I are the only ones in the office right now. At 16:00 we have Spanish classes. That is quite soon. haven´t finished homework. It is getting too much. I don´t find time to do the homework, or at least I don´t feel like spending the 1 hour after dinner and washing dishes before going to bed with spanish homework! I think I will complain today that is getting too much. We are having so many different teachers so it is a bit difficult at times.
During weekend I was sick. Had a fever and stomach ache. Now I am fine. During last week we prepared the "2 Fiesta Nacional de Reciclaje" painting huge carton stands and glueing letters onto them. So we got to do something else for a while... And the books could rest for a week. I missed the whole Fiesta since I was lying in bed. Keen to see some pictures at least. Many environmental groups had stands and talked about their projects. Today everything is normal again. Yesterday was good though. It was a Holiday. On Friday was " El dia de la Raza" and they have a law here in Argentina that if there is a holiday not the day itself is free but it gets transfered to the next Monday. Karl Oskar, Rochelle and I met up with a guy called Santiago and together we paddled to the big Island. At the beach we ran around, did some Circus stuff and later on we played some fotball in the sun. Very much enjoyable and holiday like!
I started a Diving Course! So far we are "only" practicing swimming but we are getting there. Next week we will start with snorkel and equipment and after some more weeks we will start practicing with the air bottles! We train 3 times a week! I like it so far and it is nice people, no problem for them that I sometimes don´t understand immediatley what they mean... It is good to have something else to do as well, having something to look forward to the coming weeks!

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