Mittwoch, 26. September 2007

2 weeks in city

Well, I survived two weeks in a city! That is a record for me!!!
What happend last week? Mixted feelings, the work we are doing is fine, sorting the libary and cutting newspaper articles. Eco Urbano didn´t ask for us but got begged to take us. This doesn´t mean that they don´t have work to do, as mentioned above we have some projects but it is not that they need anyone and tell us every day that we shouldn´t worry if we don´t want to come that much since they do not rely on us. Fine with me. At the moment we work 4-6 hours a day which doesn´t feel much. Spanish classes are on as well, they are quite enjoyable, depending on the teacher for that day. Bruna is there all the time during classes, wonder where she get´s that time from...
I find the weekends most difficult because they make me realize that I did not grow up in a city! Partying in places where you can hardly find space for your feed and people smoke and drink. But since everybody seems to go it wouldn´t be social to stay at the house! I just see it as another class: "How to live in a city"
Yesterday was the best day so far: Came early in the morning and went with 2 people from Eco Urbano to a composting place where a school class (ca. 8 year olds) was waiting for us. We told them about separating the garbage and explained the procedure of decomposing... My job was to take pictures, I enjoyed it. It was my first day out of the city!!! The kids were nice and Eco Urbano can use the foreigner bonus to make the kids more interested. Fair enough... "Hola Alemana" "Que tal Alemana" and other things were they saying/screaming. Afterwads we visited a agricultural school and some of the boys showed us around, that was without the school class. Good to see some pigs, goats, fields etc. Walk on something that is not asphalt.
In the afternoon we went to an Island together with other environmental organisations to celebrate the 10th aniversary of a law that fobids dams in the river in this area. It is apparently the only place in the world where this law exists. It was a nice day, people ate and drank and we had the chance to walk around in the island, bading my feet in the water and enjoying some time of not having to talk to someone. This place is visited by tourists. Fishermen that do not find fish anymore (or not enough) due to overfishing and contamination take out the tourists with their old boats. Had the chance to kayak a bit and as well... The people with us were quite strange and at times and some drunk but all in all it was a peaceful day. Slowly I am able to orientate in the city as well and by now I am taking the busses on my own which feels good since I am bit more independant now. We are always looking for new work so maybe we are going to start cleaing up the island we visited yesterday... We´ll see! Now I am going to continue copying book titles of the libary onto a piece of paper and soon it is lunch time as well!!

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